Blog Post

How I met Julie
Hi There.

How I Met Julie Sinclair

After returning from a trip to the Netherlands for a meditation retreat I wrote the following quote:

“Just like the butterfly I too will awaken in my own time.” 

I posted my quote on the All Spirit Website and it spread all over the internet.  People started using this quote with pictures all over the web.  I was so fortunate the quote spread because it led me to Julie Sinclair.   This led me to being able to self-publish this children’s book.

Julie contacted me with an email explaining that she worked for Spa Magazine and was looking for poetry to inspire positive change.  She told me she found the quote I wrote on the web and would like to read some of my poetry.  I sent her copies of poems I wrote. She then picked an untitled poem I wrote to use for the magazine. 

The best part of meeting Julie though was when I actually met Julie in NYC and we exchanged Polarity Energy Healing sessions.  Julie is an excellent therapist and healer.  She holds the energy for whatever arises.  I also have had many phone conversations with her that became healing sessions. 

We also met each other in Los Angeles over an outstanding vegetarian meal and walk around the Hollywood signs. 

When the pandemic broke out, I remembered how excellent she was at editing and getting the poem out for Spa Magazine.  I wanted to now self- publish the poem I wrote about animals going to school to dedicate to my mom.  I had no idea what it would take to self-publish a children’s book.  July has tons of experience in writing, editing, managing and finding amazing people to do design work.  Most of all she has a loving and amazing gift to keep people focused on the end goal.   We were able to go through the many phases needed to get the book printed in an extremely short period of time.  If anyone needs such a coach, I highly recommend her. 

Whenever you meet someone awesome in your life keep in mind this happens for a reason.

In 2004 I went to Amsterdam for a meditation retreat though my mind was racing.  My instructor was more interested in time alone with me than teaching me how to meditate.  I left the retreat in search of enlightenment.  Though I left the retreat early because I needed to be alone with my journal.  I walked all over town wanting to get enlightened. Perhaps I was trying too hard to quiet my mind.

Caterpillars hit speed bumps on their way to transformation.  So do human  beings.  It is so hard to free ourselves from our homes even if they are not serving us.  Just like you can free a young butterfly from their cocoon you can free yourself from your current situation.  Butterfly spin their own cocoons and the time to emerge from the cocoon is when the cocoon becomes dark or clear.  Similarly we are not ready to leave our cocoons unless the situation gets real dark inside or we find clarity and reach for the light.  The space must be nurtured with water energy.  The cocoon must be big enough to hold the wings that are needed to fly.  The wings provide the freedom and ability to fly to great heights.  If the butterfly force the timing for their departure the cocoon will not be fully ready.  This could risk the wings breaking and limiting the ability to fly.

If the butterfly is not ready or you are not ready for awakening perhaps you need a little bit of help from a kind and gentle being.  Julie is one of those kind and gentle beings.  She gently makes a tiny hole in my cocoon so I can break out of it and experience new worlds.  She has opened up the world of writing and self publishing a children’s book from a poem that wrote in 4th grade. 



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